Fortnite Charge SMG: Where To Find And How To Use

Fortnite Charge SMG: Where To Find And How To Use
Images via Epic Games

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


6th Jul 2022 18:35

Brand-new with the latest update is the Fortnite Charge SMG. This one-of-a-kind Fortnite weapon is devastating when used to its full potential. With that said, let's go over where to find the Fortnite Charge SMG and how to get the most out of this new addition to the Fortnite arsenal.

Where To Find Fortnite Charge SMG

The Charge SMG is available in all rarities, from Common up to Mythic. You can find this unique SMG across Fortnite via Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops, Reality Saplings, and Sharks.

Fortnite's loot pool works as a give-and-take relationship, and that's the case here. With the release of the Charge SMG, the Combat SMG has been sent to the vault. And, for now, you won't find the Charge SMG in competitive playlists.


How To Use Fortnite Charge SMG

As the name suggests, the Charge SMG is designed with a charging mechanic. To output the most firepower, you have to charge the SMG for a brief moment before letting go of the trigger. To initiate a charge, hold down the trigger. The longer you charge the Charge SMG, the more bullets it'll fire out when you finally let go. A gauge on-screen will display the power of your charge.

When fired without building up a charge, the Charge SMG will release a short burst of a few bullets. While this method of firing is serviceable, the Charge SMG really shines when you build up a charge.

Fortnite Charge SMG Tips And Tricks

Click to enlarge

A fully charged Charge SMG will absolutely tear through opponents and structures alike. The Charge SMG is a menace at close-range, perfect for ripping through enemy defences and getting into their builds. And if you catch an opponent out in the open, the Charge SMG will disintegrate them like a laser beam.

The one true drawback of the Charge SMG is that while building a charge, you're defenceless. In the seconds you spend charging it up, you're a free target for enemies, as you can't build or make evasive manoeuvres.

The downtime between charging and firing the Charge SMG also gives your opponent an opportunity to flee and reset the fight — and if you're playing Duos, Trios, or Squads — gather reinforcements. To limit this obvious fault in the Charge SMG, try charging it up before you engage an enemy and only charging up shots while you're safe behind cover.

That's everything you need to know about the Fortnite Charge SMG. Look for Charge SMGs in Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops, Reality Saplings, and Sharks. With a Charge SMG equipped, take advantage of the ferocious charge mechanic to wipe enemies out before they know what hit them.

Don't forget about the Crown Clash Challenges!

Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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