Where To Find Nuggets And Feathers In Forspoken

Where To Find Nuggets And Feathers In Forspoken
Images via Square Enix

Written by 

Harry Boulton


26th Jan 2023 15:50

Figuring out where to find nuggets and feathers in Forspoken is important if you have any ambitions of upgrading your pouches to store more items. As Forspoken is an open-world game, there is plenty of items to find and thus you need the means to actually store them. So, to find out where to find nuggets and feathers in Forspoken, make sure to carry on reading down below.

Where To Find Nuggets And Feathers In Forspoken

Where To Find Nuggets and Feathers in Forspoken
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There are three main ways that you can find nuggets and feathers in Forspoken, with some being more reliable or difficult than others.

The most reliable and consistent means of finding nuggets and feathers in Forspoken is through Detours, which are the game's equivalent of side quests. Many of these provide you with the two crafting materials as rewards, among other gifts too, so they are definitely worth doing. They shouldn't take you too long either, as they are essentially side content designed to give you something to do in the downtime.

The other main place that you will find nuggets and feathers in Forspoken is within the various chests dotted throughout Athia. However, there are some chests that are far more likely to house the rarer crafting items, and it is those that you will want to prioritise.

Mutants, the game's optional bosses, often have chests with consistently better loot found behind them. Seeking these challenging foes out is not only a great way to test out your magic and parkour skills, but can also be a fantastic means of hoovering up as many nuggets and feathers as possible.

What Do Nuggets And Feathers Do In Forspoken?

What Do Nuggets and Feathers Do in Forspoken?
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You will be using nuggets and feathers to increase the capacity of your two storage pouches in Forspoken, which is very helpful if you happen to be a bit of an item hoarder.

If you're looking to hold more materials when roaming through Athia, then it is feathers that you'll want to get your hands on, as they let you increase your Materials Pouch capacity. Conversely, if you're finding yourself dying with no healing left, make use of any nuggets you find to increase your Medicine Pouch capacity.

So, that's all you need to know if you were wondering where to find and how to use the nuggets and feathers in Forspoken. If you wanted to find out how to turn dialogue down or off in Forspoken though, we've got the perfect guide for you.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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