How To Recruit Alcryst In Fire Emblem Engage

How To Recruit Alcryst In Fire Emblem Engage
Images via Nintendo

Written by 

Dani Cross


16th Feb 2023 14:52

Here's how to recruit one of Fire Emblem Engage's royals, Alcryst. He's a pretty simple character to unlock in Fire Emblem Engage, and you can't miss him when you're playing through the story. Here's when you can unlock Alcryst and add him to your party in Fire Emblem Engage.

Fire Emblem Engage: How To Recruit Alcryst

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Alcryst is one of the royal units you can add to your party in Fire Emblem Engage. This means he's a member of one of the royal families, specifically Brodia.

You'll first meet Alcryst when he appears in Chapter 7. He, along with his retainers Citrinne and Lapis, confront the main character before realising who they are. Once he realises they're the Divine Dragon, he quickly joins your side after apologising.

He'll fight alongside you for a chapter, then you can use him as a unit in your team for any missions you want. There's no way to lose out on recruiting him if you're playing through the story, so don't worry about that.

If you're playing on Classic mode you can lose him in battle, but as he's a royal unit he won't actually die, you just won't be able to use him anymore.

Fire Emblem Engage: Is Alcryst Worth Using?

Alcryst is an archer, so he's great at dealing with flying units or killing units from far away. Before you meet him, the only archer you had access to was Etie, so now you'll have more options.

Alcryst is a solid unit, and it's definitely worth using him as your archer if you like him. He has a bit of a crestfallen personality, and he's always putting himself down, but he's effective in battle.

He has his own unique advanced class called "Tireur d'elite" which only he can use. You'll need a Master Seal to level him up to this class once he reaches level 10 overall.

For more Fire Emblem Engage guides, keep reading GGRecon.

Dani Cross
About the author
Dani Cross
Dani is an experienced freelance writer whose favourite titles range from Elden Ring to Banjo-Kazooie. She’s a self-published author and also edits a Switch magazine.
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