Destiny 2 Legendary Shards: How To Earn Legendary Shards

Destiny 2 Legendary Shards: How To Earn Legendary Shards
Image: Bungie

Written by 

Aaron Bayne


3rd Jan 2022 14:29

Learning how to earn legendary shards in Destiny 2 is paramount if you want to succeed in this epic sci-fi looter shooter. Destiny 2 is filled to the brim with a variety of currencies and material, but legendary shards are among the most important. Yet it is never outwardly stated how you earn them, or what they are explicitly for. That's why we are here to help with our breakdown of how to earn legendary shards in Destiny 2, and what you should be spending them on. 

Destiny 2 Legendary Shards: What Are Legendary Shards?  

Spend your legendary shards on upgrading weapons.
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As mentioned, legendary shards are the main form of currency in Destiny 2. This means that you'll need legendary shards (among some other currencies) for any purchasable options. Those include upgrading your weapons or armour to masterworks, or purchasing weapons, engrams or armour from vendors such as Master Rahool or Xur. You can also use legendary shards to repurchase old exotics from the vault. 

Out of all options for spending legendary shards, we'd recommend saving your legendary shards for Xur, who will sell exotic weapons and armour each week. To keep up to date with Xur's whereabouts, keep up with our Destiny 2 Xur location guide. 

  • Everything you need to know about Nightfall weapons is here, including weapon rotation schedule and tier list

How To Earn Legendary Shards In Destiny 2

Dismantle weapons and gear to earn legendary shards in Destiny 2.
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As the main currency, you'll want to know how to earn legendary shards in Destiny 2, and this comes in a variety of ways. Likely the easiest and most proactive way to earn legendary shards is by dismantling unwanted gear. For every legendary piece of armour or weapon, you will earn three legendary shards, along with some additional glimmer (another form of currency).

If you dismantle an exotic weapon or armour, then you will receive five legendary shards. It is always best to keep on top of your inventory, and since you can upgrade your gear with the shards, you'll want to focus on specific pieces and keep your inventory light. Secondly, you can earn legendary shards in Destiny 2 by completing the Nightfall. However, you will only earn two shards so this shouldn't be the only reason you are facing the Nightfall.

For most players once you are levelled up enough, legendary gear will be commonplace, especially when you get to around light level 1290-1300. As such, you shouldn't have to go out of your way to earn legendary shards, they should just naturally accumulate as you loot more gear. 

That's everything you'll need to know how to earn legendary shards in Destiny 2. If you are checking off quests as you accumulate legendary shards you should also know the Destiny 2 weekly reset time


Aaron Bayne
About the author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He’s written for sites such as BBC The Social, NME, Turtle Beach, and more. He’s a live-service enthusiast that loves to squad up in everything from Apex Legends to The Division 2. If he isn’t screaming at his teammates, you can still find him blubbering over The Last of Us Part II.
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