How To Get The Burnished Suit In Dead Space Remake

How To Get The Burnished Suit In Dead Space Remake
Images via Motive Studio

Written by 

Kiera Mills


30th Jan 2023 17:03

The burnished suit in the Dead Space remake is one of the rarest in the game. To get your hands on the Dead Space Burnished Suit you'll have to be an expert player and try your hand at finishing the game on the highest difficulty. Read on for a list of all requirements needed to get the Burnished Suit in Dead Space.

Dead Space Remake: How To Unlock Impossible Mode

Dead Space Remake end screen
Click to enlarge

As mentioned, to get your hands on this rare suit you'll need to complete the game on impossible mode. There are a few other requirements you need to complete first, however.

To unlock impossible mode you'll need to complete the base game and then find all 12 Marker Fragments during a new game plus playthrough.

Once you have all 12 Marker Fragments, you can start the game on Impossible Mode and unlock the hidden alternate ending.

Alternatively, you can complete the game on your first playthrough on impossible mode, then load up a new game plus save. The suit will be available at the shop storage.

  • If you're planning on playing the Dead Space remake on PS5, check out our guide to the included DualSense features here.

Dead Space Remake: Impossible Mode Rewards

Dead Space Remake Hand Cannon
Click to enlarge

Impossible mode is the hardest difficulty of the game. As well as providing tougher enemies and deadlier encounters, autosaves are completely turned off and you will only have one save file in the game.

The game has permadeath so if you die, you'll have to start from the beginning. As well as the 'Untouchable' trophy, you'll be rewarded with the Burnished Suit for your efforts.

You will also receive the Hand Cannon weapon, which is an iconic weapon among the Dead Space community. The cannon resembles a huge foam finger and will often spit out timely one-liners which are completely ridiculous but a fun change from the horror of the game.

  • Check out our Dead Space remake or remaster guide to see all the key changes between the original Dead Space and the remake, including new features, story and more.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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