Will There Be A Company Of Heroes 3 Console Release?

Will There Be A Company Of Heroes 3 Console Release?
Images via Relic

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


14th Feb 2023 17:28

Some gamers may wonder, will there be a Company of Heroes 3 console release? As the game is drawing closer to its February release, and we're starting to learn more about how the game will work, console players want to know if they can get in on the RTS action.

Company of Heroes 3 looks to be the most ambitious CoH game yet, due to its multiple campaigns, numerous factions, and much more, which all look like promising additions that will help flesh out the RTS experience. With all of its new bells and whistles, console players who have missed out on previous CoH games may want to know if there will be a Company of Heroes 3 console release, so read on to find out. 

Will There Be A Company Of Heroes 3 Console Release?

Company of Heroes 3 has been confirmed to be getting a console release, coming to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S|X in the future. While the PC release date is still confirmed for February 23, there is no news on when the console edition is set to launch, but we assume we'll find out soon after the initial launch. 

The news broke on December 9, 2022, when the developers released a live action trailer that revealed the game would be coming to consoles. This version of the game is specifically subtitled "Console Edition", and will feature a number of adjustments to help the game run and work effectively on controllers.

According to the game's website, the console edition of Company of Heroes 3 is set to receive a full UI overhaul that makes it purpose-built for controllers. Since its initial announcement, the tactical pause feature has also been heavily advertised for the game, which should be even more useful for console players who aren't used to the pace and micromanagement of RTS games. 

The real-time strategy genre has always mainly made its home on the PC due to the nature of how the game's play, making the mouse the optimal way of experiencing them.

While there have been some RTS games that released onto consoles, it's fair to say they typically control worse due to the controller's inability to micromanage effectively and the lack of accuracy that thumbsticks provide. 

Considering Relic seem to be putting a lot of effort into this console-specific version, this might help bridge the gap between the RTS genre and consoles more firmly. 

That's our answer to the question, will there be a Company of Heroes 3 console release? And now you know that it's been confirmed and is set to launch sometime in 2023.

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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