How To Become A Pirate In Pixel Piece

How To Become A Pirate In Pixel Piece
Images via Roblox Corporation

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


22nd Feb 2023 15:04

You might want an explainer of how to become a Pirate in Pixel Piece in Roblox, as it allows you to join the special Pirate-based faction and sail the high seas looking for treasure. Pixel Piece is a popular game developed by WorldUp Studios, which is set to receive a big update soon, likely adding a lot of new features. 

So if you want to join a new faction and need to know how to become a Pirate in Pixel Piece, we've got you covered. 

  • You may also want to know all the available Pixel Piece codes, which can be redeemed for useful rewards. 

Become A Pirate Pixel Piece

Become a Pirate Pixel Piece
Click to enlarge

Unfortunately, joining the Pirate faction isn't possible right now, as the process is bugged. The developers are reportedly working on fixing the issue, though there is no timeframe on when this fix will be pushed through. You can check the Pixel Piece Trello or Discord links to find out more information. 

We imagine it won't be long until the fix for the Pirate faction is made available in the full game, and it could be part of the big update that the devs have also been making. 

The process for joining the Pirate faction in Pixel Piece will also probably be similar to the other factions, such as the Marines, which requires you to defeat a specific boss and then pay some Beli (the game's currency) to be allowed in. 

Once the Pirate faction actually becomes available again, we'll update this article with the exact process to join them. 

If you also play Cherry Tale, then why not check out the full list of Cherry Tale codes?

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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