Apex Legends Pick Rates In Season 13

Apex Legends Pick Rates In Season 13
Images via Respawn Entertainment

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


25th May 2022 16:58

The Apex Legends pick rates are constantly changing and evolving. Pick rates tell a story of which Apex Legends characters are popular and which ones might need some love. With that said, let's break down the Apex Legends pick rates from the most commonly picked to the least as it stands in Season 13.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Wraith (10.9%)

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Apex's golden girl, Apex Legends Wraith, sits comfortably at the top of the Apex Legends pick rate chart.

Wraith's supreme pick rate has been bested at times for a variety of reasons — but for now — the OG legend is back where she belongs.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Octane (10.5%)

It's no secret that most Apex players prefer to play the game at a rapid pace. Well, Octane is the ideal legend for this sort of playstyle.

Octane isn't necessarily well suited for topping the Apex Legends Predator leaderboard, but when it comes to pure fun, it's hard to beat the thrill playing Octane provides.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Valkyrie (9.6%)

Apex Legends Valkyrie rules the casual and competitive meta. Valkyrie's VTOL Jets are arguably the best Passive Ability in the game, offering all sorts of tactical benefits. At the highest level of competition, nothing comes close to Valkyrie's Ultimate Ability, Skyward Dive, in terms of a rotational tool.

Valkyrie is dominant in all facets of the game and it's difficult to see her Apex Legends pick rate falling any time soon.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Bloodhound (8.9%)

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Apex Legends Bloodhound is a popular pick for many of the same reasons as Octane. Bloodhound is built for speed and aggressive pushes. Furthermore, Bloodhound's Eye of the Allfather scan ensures that no teammate is ever disappointed to find a Bloodhound in their squad.

Sporting one of the coolest Apex Legends Heirlooms in the game, Bloodhound is locked into the top five of the Apex Legends pick rates.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Pathfinder (8%)

Apex Legends Pathfinder's Grappling Hook alone earns him a spot atop the Apex Legends pick rates. Simply put, nothing compares to the feeling of soaring through the sky with the Grappling Hook to either escape or pursue enemy legends.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Horizon (5.9%)

Notice a trend yet? The most popular legends tend to be the ones with the quickest pace of play and the best movement abilities. Apex Legends Horizon redefined Apex with her Gravity Lift. The utility offered by this single ability is unmatched.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Newcastle (5.7%)

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Despite being Season 13's signature legend, Newcastle's pick rate is plummeting downward. As a Defensive legend, Apex Legends Newcastle's kit isn't enough to pull players away from their favourites.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Bangalore (4.5%)

Side by side with her brother, Apex Legends Bangalore has a slightly above average pick rate. With so many different legends to choose from, Bangalore, in her current state, is nothing more than mediocre.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Ash (4.1%)

When Apex Legends Ash first appeared in Season 11, she absolutely dominated the pick rates, boasting a percentage over 20. Since then, it's been a steady decline for Ash. It seems as though players have gravitated back to their old mains and left Ash in the dust.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Lifeline (4%)

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Apex's signature healer, Apex Legends Lifeline, maintains a middle-of-the-pack pick rate. Everyone craves a Lifeline on their team, but not many want to play the support role themselves.


Apex Legends Pick Rates: Loba (3.5%)

Apex Legends Loba, the stunning thief and Revenant's arch-nemesis, sits right in the centre of the pick rate chart. If Respawn ever addresses all the bugs surrounding Loba's bracelet and Black Market Boutique, she'd surely rise up this list.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Fuse (3.3%)

The rambunctious Fuse has maintained an average pick rate since his inception. This will likely carry on indefinitely until Apex Legends Fuse receives some significant buffs.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Gibraltar (3.1%)

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The gentle giant, Apex Legends Gibraltar, has the lowest pick rate of all the free-to-play legends. Despite his utility in Ranked and competitive play, not enough players are fans of the slow and methodical style of play required to excel as a Gibraltar.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Rampart (3.1%)

Apex Legends Rampart has seen a small spike in her pick rate following a recent buff to her Mobile Minigun and Amped Cover. While Rampart has never been a super popular legend, it's good to see her on the up-and-up.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Mirage (2.8%)

The life of the party, Apex Legends Mirage isn't as admired by the playerbase as he is by the ladies. While it's amusing to bamboozle your opponents, the lack of mobility in Mirage's kit leaves much to be desired.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Caustic (2.6%)


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One could make a case that the toxic trapper, Caustic, has been through more ups and downs than any other character in Apex Legends. Early in Apex Legends, Caustic was weak and undesirable. Then, later on, Caustic received a buff that made him one of the strongest legends in the game. This power spike was short-lived though, as now nerfs have sent Apex Legends Caustic tumbling back into irrelevance.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Revenant (2.1%)

While never a super popular standalone pick, Apex Legends Revenant plays a key role in one of the Apex Legends best team combos. Revenant's kit is extremely potent with a coordinated team — but if you're a solo player — there are better options.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Seer (2.1%)

Initially, Apex Legends Seer nearly broke the game with how powerful he was. As a result, Seer was quickly hit with the nerf hammer. His pick rate has steadily declined ever since.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Wattson (2%)

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Apex Legends Wattson's low pick rate isn't so much because she's a bad legend, but more so due to the way her kit encourages you to play the game. To excel as Wattson, you want to hold a position and fortify locations with your fences and Interception Pylon. Wattson is nearly useless in an open field and mid-combat, so for that reason, many players avoid her.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Mad Maggie (1.8%)

Fuse's rival, Apex Legends Mad Maggie, has never really had a chance to shine. There is a niche that loves Mad Maggie, but she's not special enough to demand even an average pick rate.

Apex Legends Pick Rates: Crypto (1.7%)

Lastly, we have Apex Legends Crypto. Crypto undoubtedly plays slower than any other legend in the game. No one wants to deal with the slog that is pulling out the Surveillance Drone and constantly repositioning it. Crypto's entire kit revolves around the drone too, so if you don't use it, he's worthless. For these reasons, Crypto is the least played legend in Apex Legends.

There you have it, the full list of Apex Legends pick rates. Consider pairing the pick rates with the Apex Legends characters tier list to answer the age-old question: "which Apex Legends character should I play?"

Apex Legends pick rate data via apexlegendsstatus.


Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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