You Can Make Yoda An Imposter In This Among Us X Battlefront 2 Mod

You Can Make Yoda An Imposter In This Among Us X Battlefront 2 Mod
Images: Innersloth | EA

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


17th Dec 2021 11:46

The immensely popular Among Us - which rocketed to success during 2020 - has infected even Star Wars Battlefront II, allowing you to swap the traditional Jedi and Sith characters for the former game's Imposters.

What Is The Battlefront II x Among Us Mod?

Yoda Among Us
Click to enlarge
Nexus Mods

Whenever a piece of media becomes THE dominant talking point in wider culture, it's inevitable that it seeps into everything it can. We've seen it this year with Netflix's Squid Game, which has been recreated in Rocket League and GTA Online, to name a few. Among Us - while not as popular as it was earlier this year - is still a huge game and isn't ready to leave the public consciousness yet. 

One of the video games that was surprisingly gripped by the Among Us fever, is Star Wars Battlefront II. EA's multiplayer shooter allows you to play across various eras of Star Wars, with many of its famous characters available too. This has led to modder TheAsianRedneck developing a skin for Yoda, that transforms him into an Among Us character.

The skin for Yoda comes in a few colours, including blue, red, yellow, and black. You can even go full imposter by holding a blood stained knife - though I'm not too sure that's his style. Right now, the Among Us mod is only available for Yoda, and of course, it only replaces local files - meaning online players won't be able to see your custom skin. 

What Other Battlefront II Mods Are Available?

LEGO Star Wars Battlefront
Click to enlarge
Nexus Mods

One of life's constant truisms is that if a game is available for PC, then it will be modded. Obviously, the Star Wars Battlefront II mods don't start and end with Among Us, and players have thought up a myriad of ways to customise the experience. 

One of the most popular modifications replaces all the in-game heroes with their LEGO variants, from the LEGO Star Wars titles. This makes for an interesting contrast, as you watch a bunch of LEGO figures run around photorealistic environments. Another popular mod attempts to ape the animation style of The Clone Wars cartoon, and lastly, there is a mod for reskinning every weapon with skins from Counterstrike: Global Offensive.

As for the future of Battlefront, we recently learned that the development of Battlefield 2042, caused a potential third game to be cancelled, so Star Wars fans may have to wait a while until another big multiplayer shooter is available.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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