You Can Accidentally Unlock Elden Ring's Secret Hard Mode

You Can Accidentally Unlock Elden Ring's Secret Hard Mode
Images via FromSoftware

Written by 

Tom Chapman


25th Feb 2022 12:46

Ah, the famous discourse of whether FromSoftware games are too hard. It just wouldn't be a Hidetaka Miyazaki title if someone didn't angrily throw a controller at the screen and rage quit as the words "You Died" shimmer across the screen. The question is, when (if ever) is too hard actually too hard? 

With Elden Ring slashing its way into our lives and the Lands Between proving to be more alive than your standard Souls-like game, the fantasy epic is already pitching itself as one of the best video games of all time. Alongside all the positives, fans have been warned Elden Ring could be the hardest FromSoft entry yet. That's not a big deal, but YOU can accidentally make it harder.

How Can You Accidentally Make Elden Ring Harder?

Renna the Witch Elden Ring
Click to enlarge

As pointed out by PC Gamer, it's possible to accidentally activate an effective "hard mode" early on in Elden Ring's story. We've all heard the Breath of the Wild (eye roll) comparisons, and similar to Nintendo's fan-favourite, you're largely free to explore the Lands Between at your own leisure.

However, the problem with Elden Ring comes from the fact you can literally go wherever you want at whatever level - meaning you can take on some massively OP bosses early on. Added to this, there are a number of optional bosses and NPCs you could easily skim past without it affecting the story too much. Word of advice, don't skip Renna the Witch.

If you miss Renna the Witch, you won't be able to get the Spirit Calling Bell until much later. Worse than this, it's not like you can just go back and grab it - meaning you're locked into a hard mode for a lot of your journey. For those new to Elden Ring, the Spirit Calling Bell does what it says on the tin and lets you summon spirits to fight alongside you with their own health bars. This can give you vital seconds to recuperate in the midst of battle. 


Where Can You Find Renna The Witch?

Elden Ring Spirits
Click to enlarge

Don't worry though, Renna the Witch and her Spirit Calling Bell should be relatively easy to find if you know where to look. After completing the tutorial, head to the dilapidated Church of Elleh - which is pretty hard to miss. Going North, you'll meet Melina at the Gateside Ruins encampment and pick up your horse, Torrent. 

Pass the time until it's night, then go back to the Church of Elleh. You'll find the glowing Renna, when she'll ask if you can summon the spectral steed. Answering yes, she'll give you the Spirit Calling Bell and the Lone Wolf Ashes. Do this quick into your quest because eventually, Renna will stop appearing at the Church of Elleh. Don't worry though, if you've avoided all of our advice and ignored Renna, you can eventually buy the Spirit Calling Bell for 100 runes. Trust us, it'll make your life easier.


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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