Sodapoppin Hit With Surprise Ban Following 'Blackface' Comments

Sodapoppin Hit With Surprise Ban Following 'Blackface' Comments
Images via Sodapoppin | YouTube

Written by 

Emma Hill


14th Apr 2022 14:43

Chance "Sodapoppin" Morris has been hit with a ban from Twitch. Although the platform hasn't revealed why the streamer was suspended, fans suspect it could be to do with his recent 'blackface' comments. 

Now more than ever, Twitch has been cracking down hard on disciplining content creators who break its rules. Whether that's due to DMCA-related breaches, or for more shocking reasons. For example, Darren "IShowSpeed" Watkins sparked outrage on Twitter after he was banned permanently for his horrifying sexist outburst against a fellow streamer. However, there have been some more controversial bans that have led content creators and their fans to criticise Twitch, such as when over 200 streamers from the Middle East were hit with suspensions for no reason all at the same time

Sodapoppin is the latest streamer to be slapped with an unexpected ban from Twitch. With no explanation as to why from either him or the streaming platform, fans have been left to speculate the reason for themselves. 

When Was Sodapoppin Banned From Twitch?

On April 14, Sodapoppin fans were astounded to learn that the streamer had been banned from Twitch with no information as to why. However, fans were quick to point out that it could be due to the fact that he made some controversial comments during his livestream on April 9. In one clip from the stream, Sodapoppin was playing a generic face modification game when he applied 'blackface' makeup to the character. 

Following backlash from viewers, Soda took to Reddit to apologise for his actions saying that he was just trying to paint the face like "a potato," before noticing that he had "unknowingly" used blackface on the character. The streamer admitted: "In hindsight, I see how that yeah, it's like an extreme blackface. I didn't mean for it to get racist sounding/looking as it did but yeah this was just me being naïve and not realizing how the mouth correlated with the skin etc."

How Long Has Sodapoppin Been Banned For?

Sodapoppin's latest ban marks the second time the streamer has been suspended from Twitch due to the use of nudity during his VRChat stream. But, just 24 hours later, he was back up and running on the platform. However, it's expected that his second ban could last between three to seven days. 

Fans are still waiting for a comment from Soda about the ban, as of writing. However, the suspension doesn't appear to be permanent, so it is likely Sodapoppin will address the drama when he eventually returns. 


Emma Hill
About the author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a Junior Journalist at GGRecon. She studied Film & English at University of Manchester, and also took part in an Introduction to Acting for Video Games course. She loves everything from Skyrim to Stardew Valley.
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