Red Dead Fans Finally Create Undead Nightmare 2

Red Dead Fans Finally Create Undead Nightmare 2
Take Two Interactive

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


14th Oct 2021 13:31

As one of the best expansions of all time, Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare is still rightly lauded today. Consequently, some fans have taken it upon themselves to mod elements of the DLC into Red Dead Redemption 2 . It brings bringing a scary atmosphere to the title - just in time for the spooky season. 

Since its launch on PC, RDR2 has seen a vibrant modding scene come to life. Modders have developed additions that improve the game visually and technically, overhauled entire systems and mechanics, and even taken the time to mod Mexico from the original Red Dead into the game. Two modders - RedMaxBR and AClassySliceOfToast - have decided to change up the vanilla RDR2 experience by filling it with zombies and graveyard vibes.

What Are The Mods That Recreate Undead Nightmare?

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Even though there's no single mod that makes all the necessary changes, a few mods from the above authors will collectively provide all the Undead Nightmare you'll need. The Undead Towns mod makes changes to the game’s villages and brings it more in line with the DLC aesthetically.

Undead Blackwater changes the town by providing the player with a safe zone from the zombie hordes, while the Undead Nightmare Camps mod sprinkles some places of refuge around the world spanning Roanoke Ridge to New Austin. 

The authors also recommend using the popular RDR2 Rampage Trainer mod that comes with a bevvy of features. Most importantly, it allows the player to toggle Halloween mode to make the weather more suitable and add the official Undead Nightmare soundtrack. 

How Can I Use The Mods?

Firstly, it’s important to mention this is only really possible on the PC version of the game, but for those unfamiliar with modding games, here’s some help. You’ll need to make your way to Nexus Mods website by clicking the links above and then follow the installation guides provided by the mod authors. 

A vital tip for modding is to back up the game before making any changes, so you'll have a base to return to should something go wrong. For noobs, make sure you use a mod manager like Nexus’s own Vortex (unless the installation instructions specifically say otherwise) to make the experience as simple as possible. Once all that is done, load up your shotgun and happy hunting... Pilgrim. 


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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