Pokimane Hits Out At YouTube After Being Flagged For Will Smith Slap Video

Pokimane Hits Out At YouTube After Being Flagged For Will Smith Slap Video
Images via Twitch | Pokimane | A.M.P. A.S.

Written by 

Emma Hill


30th Mar 2022 12:12

Twitch streamer Imane "Pokimane" Anys has called out YouTube after her react video to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock during the 2022 Academy Awards was flagged for being "non-advertiser friendly."

We just can't escape from the shocking Oscars moment when actor Will Smith stormed onto the stage during the ceremony and hit comedian Chris Rock across the face. The altercation was sparked after Rock compared Smith's wife Jada's shaved head to Demi Moore in G.I. Jane, despite the fact she has been open about suffering from hair loss condition alopecia. As the world flocked to watch the moment online, viewers were divided about Smith's actions with some famous streamers sharing their take on the altercation.

Pokimane similarly jumped on the hype and shared her reaction on YouTube. However, the streamer found herself at the end of a warning from YouTube for posting the video and was left confused by the notification. 

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Why Was Pokimane's Will Smith vs. Chris Rock React Video Flagged By YouTube?

With the Will Smith slap video shaking the internet, a plethora of YouTubers and content creators shared their reactions to the moment. On March 29, Pokimane posted her take on the video on YouTube. However, she was subsequently 'flagged', leaving her and her fans baffled. 

Taking to Twitter, Pokimane said: "My video was flagged as non-advertiser friendly, even though there's lots of videos with millions of views that talk about this topic with ads. Anyone have any idea why?"

What was particularly confusing for Pokimane is that her video was near-identical to other YouTubers who were all posting similar content about the video, yet she was the one who got flagged. However, in this case, she didn't get in trouble for including DMCA-related content in her videos. 

Has Pokimane's YouTube Video Been Banned?

As of writing, Pokimane's YouTube video about the viral clip is still available to watch online. The platform also responded to Pokimane's original tweet saying "Sorry to hear that – we'll look into this & update you once we have something to share." 


Pokimane's take on the drama was that Smith and Rock were "both in the wrong." However, she criticised Rock's "inappropriate" joke but with a caveat, "assaulting other people on live television is maybe not the way to do it," said Pokimane. Filming her reaction to the shocking moment when Smith hit Rock across the face, much like the rest of us, Pokimane said: "I've watched this like four times and I'm still baffled."  

It was a slap that was heard throughout the world, and Pokimane is just one of many who have added their thoughts to it, it even strangely reached the world of Fortnite with players calling for the return of Will Smith's skin. 

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Emma Hill
About the author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a Junior Journalist at GGRecon. She studied Film & English at University of Manchester, and also took part in an Introduction to Acting for Video Games course. She loves everything from Skyrim to Stardew Valley.
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