Pokémon Go Player's Hilarious PokeStop Nomination Gets Big Approval From Fans

Pokémon Go Player's Hilarious PokeStop Nomination Gets Big Approval From Fans
The Pokémon Company

Written by 

Emma Hill


9th Sep 2021 16:09

Reddit user, JustinLydard, shared his hilarious nomination for a new PokéStop for Pokémon Go, and it got a huge thumbs up from fans. Not to mention it would be a very handy place for players who want to collect some brilliant items whilst walking their pooch. 

What Was JustinLydard's PokéStop Nomination? 

JustinLydard shared his PokéStop nomination, entitled DoodyCalls Bag Waste Station #4, on Reddit. Unsurprisingly, the photograph features an animal waste disposal bin, supposedly somewhere along his dog-walk route. As seen in the photograph, the bin pleads with dog-walkers: “Don’t be mean, keep our Earth clean! When walking your dogs, pick up their logs.”

The post was met with positive reviews from fans: "Get you and your dog some exercise in and some PokéStop items on top of it." Others saw it as an opportunity to encourage Pokémon Go players to pick up after their canine friends: "If your dog park is anything like mine then that station could use as much attention brought to it as possible." 

What Is A PokéStop? 

Since Pokémon Go's release in 2016, the augmented reality game has encouraged players all around the world to visit various locations, sites and, monuments to catch their favourite Pokémon characters. A PokéStop can be anything in your actual community, from a building to an art piece, in which players can pick up various great items in order to advance in the game. These items could be Poke Balls to Potions or even an egg.

Some of the most iconic monuments in the world have been featured as PokéStop's. For example, as well as exploring the ancient history of this infamous monument, players exploring the Colosseum could be lucky enough to find their very own  Pikachu, Squirtle or, Oddish. But for rural players, it has become increasingly difficult to locate any worthwhile PokéStop's.  

Whilst it would prove to be a very handy PokéStop for players in his local community,  the chances of JustinLydard's submission being successful are, sadly, quite slim. As one commentator pointed out: "It's not eligible as it is a mass-produced generic item that has no special significance." But you never know, next time you're cleaning up after your dog you may well find a Pokémon keeping an eye on you.  


Emma Hill
About the author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a Junior Journalist at GGRecon. She studied Film & English at University of Manchester, and also took part in an Introduction to Acting for Video Games course. She loves everything from Skyrim to Stardew Valley.
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