Players Discover Deathloop's Xbox Release Date

Players Discover Deathloop's Xbox Release Date
Arkane Studios | Microsoft

Written by 

Tom Chapman


23rd Dec 2021 13:50

If you haven't planned your next holiday for Blackreef, why not? If you can ignore the flying bullets and having a bounty on your head, kicking back in this 60s-inspired paradise is a getaway like nothing you've ever experienced before. Better yet, you can't die. Well, most of the time. 

As one of 2021's best games, the PlayStation-exclusive Deathloop was the brilliant brainchild of Arkane Studios. Known for Prey and the Dishonored games, Deathloop was something very different. Now, players think they've figured out when Deathloop will lose its PS5 exclusivity. 

When Is Deathloop Coming To Xbox?

The latest scoop comes courtesy of a Deathloop advert celebrating its end of year sale. While Sony was promoting Deathloop with 50% off until January 5, players noted the small print at the end. Here, the snippet revealed that the console exclusivity will end on September 14, 2022.

Although Microsoft is yet to confirm when we'll be able to play Deathloop on the PlayStation rival, the general consensus is that September 14 or very soon after will be the magic date. We're fully expecting Deathloop to arrive on Game Pass as one of next year's big pulls for the subscription service. Well, it will save you a tonne of money

Is The Deathloop Release Date Accurate?

We'd mark the date in our diary in pencil if we were you. Note that the excerpt says "not available on other consoles until at least September 14, 2022." September 14 is a Wednesday, which isn't exactly a common day for release in the gaming world.

Still, it's great news for fans that Deathloop is finally finding a new platform. The PS5 exclusivity has made it a huge hit for the new-gen console but locked a lot of us out. As well as alienating the ever-growing Xbox crowd, PS4 owners have been unable to enjoy Colt Vahn's story. It's no secret that acquiring a PS5 has been hard enough in 2021.

September 2022 might be a long way off, but with Deathloop having almost universal praise, this time-bending caper is one to look out for on Xbox. Game Pass is already looking tasty in 2022, with Bethesda's Starfield and Arkane's next release in Redfall hopefully going hand in hand with Deathloop. We'll set our watches.


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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