Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2 Anti-Cheat Promised On Day One

Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2 Anti-Cheat Promised On Day One
Raven Software

Written by 

Joseph Kime


10th Jun 2022 09:53

Though Call of Duty was gaming's cultural frontman, it has since taken a backseat to the medium's narrative giants for a myriad of reasons. Can Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 anti-cheat fix it? Probably not...

Many argue that the franchise's stories and development have taken something of a quality downtick in recent years, never really standing up to the iconic titles of yesteryear - but the ongoing problems are worse. Notably, it's a cheating problem.

Both Vanguard and Warzone actively suffer from rampant hacking, with cheaters running around and ruining the experience for everyone else, while anti-cheat measures are implemented too late to have any real impact. Many consider the games lost causes, and that they're practically dead in the water as a result. But it looks like the upcoming Call of Duty titles are learning.


Will Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2 Have Anti-Cheat?

Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2 Promise Anti-Cheat On Day One
Click to enlarge
Infinity Ward

According to Activision and Infinity Ward, the same RICOCHET anti-cheat measures from both Vanguard and Warzone will be implemented into Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0 upon launch.

The anti-cheat measure is a kernel driver used on players' PCs (the platform that sees the most cheaters getting involved) that detects any software or applications that the user could be using to offer them an in-game advantage. It's good news that anti-cheat measures are being implemented early - but a lot of fans are nervous that it might not make a difference whatsoever.


Will Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2 Anti-Cheat Even Work?

The short answer is - maybe. It's hard to tell if the cheating in Warzone right now is a result of the failure of the anti-cheat measures themselves or a result of RICOCHET being implemented simply too late.

It could well be a combination of both, and if this is the case, it means that anti-cheat on day one for the upcoming titles might not be as effective as we'd hoped.

Of course, some cheaters will always slip through the cracks, but launching on day one is bound to help at least a little bit. Hopefully, we can catch players abusing mechanics as their methods of doing so are being discovered and developed.

Either way, it's comforting to know that Infinity Ward isn't wasting any time trying to keep cheaters out. Fingers crossed that Warzone 2 doesn't suffer the same fate as its predecessor.

Joseph Kime
About the author
Joseph Kime
Joseph Kime is the Trending News Journalist for GGRecon from Devon, UK. Before graduating from MarJon University with a degree in Journalism, he started writing music reviews for his own website before writing for the likes of FANDOM, Zavvi and The Digital Fix. He is host of the Big Screen Book Club podcast, and author of Building A Universe, a book that chronicles the history of superhero movies. His favourite games include DOOM (2016), Celeste and Pokemon Emerald.
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