Massive Spider-Man 2 Leak Spoils The Game's Plot

Massive Spider-Man 2 Leak Spoils The Game's Plot
Insomniac Games

Written by 

Emma Hill


15th Oct 2021 16:48

Rumours about the upcoming Spider-Man 2 game are circulating around the internet and, if they're true, Sony may be wanting to pay a visit to Doctor Strange to turn back time and save players from any spoilers.  

The game developer is yet to make any public comments about the rumours, and there's no idea where the leak originally came from. However, the spoilers initially were brought to the attention of fans via a Reddit post in April 2021. Now, more specific details about the leak are swinging around the inter-web. 

Of course, we advise you to take all this information with a pinch of salt. Although, if the rumours are accurate, the leak could spoil a number of major details about the highly-anticipated game. However, we know how incredibly frustrating it can be to have a game spoilt for you, so here's a heads-up:

*Spoiler Warning*

What Does The Spider-Man 2 Leak Claim About The Game?

The leak, as reported by ComicBook, claims that players will be able to swap between playing Peter Parker or Miles Morales. The character which isn't chosen will accompany the player on missions and be controlled by AI. 

As well as this, Parker's web abilities have also vastly improved, thanks to the PS5's SSD, according to the leak. The improved storage device, also, means that web-slinging will be nearly two times faster and that there will be an improvement to wall-crawling to give players the chance to have a 'marvel-ous' gameplay experience. Sorry.

Fans got to have a peek at the game's impressive graphics in the upcoming game's reveal trailer. Yet, some criticised the trailer for making the game look "too good". 

What Does The Leak Claim About The Villains In The Spider-Man 2 Game?

PlayStation already showed off Peter Parker's new mechanical arms in the game's reveal trailer. However, the leak claims that this new mechanical contraption is useable because Parker acquires the Oscrop-developed Venom suit quite early in the game. Speaking of which, the exciting reveal of Venom at the end of the trailer sent fans into overdrive, so much so fans were calling for a spin-off for the iconic villain. Yet, it seems the tongue-tied baddy won't be the only villain of the game. 

The leak further claims that Miles and Peter will be up against the supposed main villain of the game, Kraven the Hunter. Lizard and Mysterio are rumoured to also be up against the superhero duo. 

Again, it's important to emphasise how all of this is through an anonymous source, so it's best not take this news as the gospel truth. We may not know when exactly Spider-Man 2 will be released but have your web-shooters ready because we do know for sure is that it is coming sometime in 2023.  


Emma Hill
About the author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a Junior Journalist at GGRecon. She studied Film & English at University of Manchester, and also took part in an Introduction to Acting for Video Games course. She loves everything from Skyrim to Stardew Valley.
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