Jankos Pledges To Send Jojopyun 'Back To Fortnite' Following 'Sh*t On EU' Comments

Jankos Pledges To Send Jojopyun 'Back To Fortnite' Following 'Sh*t On EU' Comments
Evil Geniuses | G2 Esports

Written by 

Jack Marsh


27th Apr 2022 15:27

The Europe and North American rivalry hasn't lost any fierceness in League of Legends despite the western hemisphere being trounced by teams in Asia non-stop for almost a decade. Having seen Chinese and South Korean teams win the World Championships every year since 2012, both NA and EU have lagged well behind the Eastern teams, and have turned on each other for their own bragging rights - almost like a cat and dog arguing to be kings of the jungle. 

But all the big cats await at the Mid Season Invitational, as G2 Esports, representing Europe, and Evil Geniuses, flying the American flag, will go up against the likes of an undefeated T1 side.

As G2 and Evil Geniuses shapen their claws ahead of MSI 2022, the two have now exchanged heated words, in the way of Marcin "Jankos" Jankowski and Joseph "jojopyun" Joon Pyun.

Jojopyun Claims Evil Geniuses Will Sh*t On EU

Evil Geniuses booked their ticket to South Korea in record-breaking fashion, leading them to their first international event ever. The exciting organisation has been spearheaded by breakout rookie jojopyun, and as the adrenaline rushed through after their Spring Split Playoffs trophy haul, the Canadian had some strong words for EU.

Talking in a post-match interview, jojopyun said, "You know, I think we're going to sh*t on EU. But, you will have to wait and see. I think we're just way better than them," a sentiment he further reiterated on Twitter.


Jankos Pledges To Send Jojopyun Back To Fortnite

However, G2 Esports have regained their stronghold over European LoL after a dismal 2021 campaign, with the help of their ruthless leader Jankos. Coming into MSI 2022 with a huge international pedigree including a Worlds runners-up medal, Jankos has now pledged to send jojopyun "back to Fortnite" as he's never played on an international stage before.

"He's never actually played against international players, so he just doesn’t understand yet. But it’s fine. Wewe will make him understand," Jankos said on stream.

"Sometimes, the game is more stress than it’s worth. If you enjoy it, you should play it, but if you don’t enjoy it? You can, for example, play Fortnite, just like Jojo will do after we are done with him," Jankos continued.

The cats are definitely out amongst the pigeons as the two teams prepare for their trip to South Korea, and they will now meet in the Group Stages to see if either region can send the other back on an early flight. Will it be Nearest Airport? Or EU're going early? We'll soon see.


Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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