Hogwarts Legacy Will Have A Morality System Based On Player's Choices

Hogwarts Legacy Will Have A Morality System Based On Player's Choices
PlayStation | YouTube

Written by 

Emma Hill


17th Dec 2021 17:32

Ever wondered who inspired the likes of Tom Riddle or the Marauders? Well, it could have very well been you. That's because the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy will feature a morality system - meaning your choices will affect what legacy you leave behind for future witches and wizards. 

Of course, there was some 'Sirius' disappointment following the news that Hogwarts Legacy had been delayed from its 2021 release. 2022 isn't too far away, and at least there are rumours that Hogwarts Legacy could be closer than we thought. It hopefully won't be long until yer a wizard honing your skills in the school for witchcraft and wizardry.

Although, just exactly what kind of witch or wizard you want to be is entirely in your hands, as Hogwarts Legacy will have a 'morality system'. This means that every choice you make will directly affect your experience of the game and define you from being a Neville or a Bellatrix. 

Hogwarts Legacy Morality System: What We Know So Far

While there is still a lot to discover about Hogwarts Legacy, Portkey Games has stated that the open-world RPG will feature a morality system for fans to play around with. According to the game's websiteHogwarts Legacy will be "filled with immersive magic, putting players at the centre of their adventure to become the witch or wizard they choose to be.

"They will grow their character’s abilities as they master powerful spells, hone combat skills and select companions to help them face off against deadly enemies. Players will also encounter missions and scenarios that will pose difficult choices and determine what they stand for." 

In a nutshell, this means that the choices that player's make in-game will affect what quests become available. It's similar to games such as Red Dead Redemption II, Mass Effect 2, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Exactly what form the morality system will take is still hidden away in the chamber of secrets. 

The new game will feature an entirely original story, which will see players traverse, not only Hogwarts, but the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade Village. Although, if Potterheads are hoping to bump into any of their favourite characters from Harry Potter or the Fantastic Beats film franchise you may be in for some disappointment. This is because the game is set in the 1800's, way before the times of Grindelwald and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. 

Can I Choose My House in Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy Trailer
Click to enlarge
Avalanche Software

Whether you're a Potterhead or a muggle, chances are you've been asked what Hogwarts house you belong to. As any fan knows, it all boils down to the Sorting Hat and which house it thinks you will excel in because of your personal traits and choices.

So, do your choices in the game affect which house you get sorted into on your first day at Hogwarts? Well, according to the game's website, no. Player's can choose which house they want to be a part of, whether it's Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or anything but Slytherin. As well as choosing your house, the game promises to be more inclusive by including transgender customisation options for players.  

So, get ready to jump out of your cupboard-under-the-stairs and head to the Leaky Cauldron because Hogwarts Legacy should be here soon. Whether you want The-Boy-Who-Lived to remember you as a hero or a baddie is entirely down to you. 


Emma Hill
About the author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a Junior Journalist at GGRecon. She studied Film & English at University of Manchester, and also took part in an Introduction to Acting for Video Games course. She loves everything from Skyrim to Stardew Valley.
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