Hogwarts Legacy Will Charge You Extra To Murder Wizards

Hogwarts Legacy Will Charge You Extra To Murder Wizards
Images: Avalanche Software

Written by 

Joseph Kime


15th Dec 2022 09:39

There's a lot to be excited for when it comes to Hogwarts Legacy - especially if you're a total maniac. The latest addition to the Wizarding World is hopefully a step up from the Fantastic Beasts films, and something new for fans to enjoy amidst controversy surrounding the franchise author. 

Hogwarts Legacy is set to let players have fun across Hogwarts regardless of how goody-goody they want to play, with the dark arts coming into gameplay to allow players to be an absolute rotter. Except it might cost you a little extra.

Hogwarts Legacy Will Charge Extra For Its Battle Arena

Hogwarts Legacy Will Charge You Extra To Murder Wizards
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Avalance Software's magical adventure comes packed with a Battle Arena that allows players to practice their spells against bots.

We sae this in trailers before, with a clip where one wizard absolutely annihilated another with the killing curse, Avada Kadavra. But, much to the dismay of players, it's not easily accessible.

The Dark Arts Battle Arena, that gives players the opportunity to lay waste to swathes of enemies, is locked behind the Deluxe Edition of the game. This version will run players an extra tenner for the privilege.

To be honest, it's no surprise, as Hogwarts Legacy seems perfectly willing to lock entire missions to specific consoles, with the PlayStation versions of the title having their own exclusive quest. This is still a shame, though - as it'll give players a strong advantage.

The Dark Arts Arena Gives Early Access To Avada Kedavra

Being a pretty tough spell, Avada Kedavra is one that players will want to get their hands on pretty soon. It just turns out that if you pay early, you'll get it sooner.

The Dark Arts Battle Arena will offer early access to some Dark Arts spells, the killing curse included, meaning that fans who shell out for the game's deluxe edition will be immediately more powerful.

With the game being single-player predominantly, it certainly could be worse, but it's frustrating to say the least. We want to start murdering now, dammit!

Joseph Kime
About the author
Joseph Kime
Joseph Kime is the Trending News Journalist for GGRecon from Devon, UK. Before graduating from MarJon University with a degree in Journalism, he started writing music reviews for his own website before writing for the likes of FANDOM, Zavvi and The Digital Fix. He is host of the Big Screen Book Club podcast, and author of Building A Universe, a book that chronicles the history of superhero movies. His favourite games include DOOM (2016), Celeste and Pokemon Emerald.
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