Gamers Furious At Leaked Redfall Price

Gamers Furious At Leaked Redfall Price
Arkane Studios

Written by 

Tom Chapman


23rd Jan 2023 12:36

We were warned it was coming, but with soaring prices, we're truly in the next generation of video games - price tag included.

As $70/£70 becomes the norm for first-party games, the likes of Microsoft and Sony are showing a united front in what they're charging.

While we try and get used to these lofty prices, we're still struggling to get our heads around the leaked Redfall price. Safe to say, it's a whopper.

How Much Will Redfall Cost?

Over on Twitter, leaker BillbilKun claims the base version of Redfall will be a beefy €79.99, with the chance to upgrade to the deluxe version for another €29.99.

The news quickly spilled over to social media, where there were plenty of angry placards. One angry gamer said, "Well... that is unfortunately priced outside my market," while another added, "I'm interested in this game, but at that price, I'm glad we have Game Pass."

Someone else added, "They'll round it down to $109.99, but that is STUPID dumb for [a] Standard Edition. Like, go f**k yourselves levels of dumb."

There were some salty comments claiming Redfall is just a Left 4 Dead DLC - which seems like an unfair comparison. Still, this pricing looks like it's setting the precedent for what's to come. 

Is Redfall On Game Pass?

It might seem ludicrous to splash this much cash on Redfall, especially as it's getting a day one release on Game Pass. Even though not everyone owns the subscription service, a lot of Xbox owners do. 

Then again, what do you expect? Were Arkane and Microsoft going to suddenly slash Redfall's price because of Game Pass? 

Massive titles like Halo Infinite got a day one release, while High on Life broke Game Pass records with its day one release. Looking ahead, the sci-fi juggernaut of Starfield will also hit the service the same day as mainline release.

You might've not noticed, but the $80/£80/€80 markup has been creeping in for a while. Still, goliaths including God of War Ragnarok and the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy have hovered around $70.

We're not sure whether Redfall warrants this new-gen price tag just yet, but if BillbilKun is right (as they have been in the past), there are sure to be some angry vampire slayers aiming their stakes at Arkane. 

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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