Gamer 'Platinums' Every Single Souls-Like Game

Gamer 'Platinums' Every Single Souls-Like Game

Written by 

Emma Hill


14th Mar 2022 14:13

In an unbelievable feat, that even the most accomplished Souls-like players have struggled to achieve, one player has Platinumed some of the hardest games in the genre, including Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring.

Japanese game studio FromSoftware has made its name as the godfather of Souls-like titles, creating a whole new subgenre of games all the way back in 2009 with Demon's Souls. Since then, FromSoftware has gone from strength to strength, producing some incredible titles which have gone on to win the highest praise from both critics and players. Dark Souls even won the title of the "ultimate game of all time" and Elden Ring continues to amaze players following its release on February 25. 

However, Souls-like games are notorious for their difficulty. While this helps make them into the great titles that they are, they can also prove to be an intense challenge. And that is why this latest achievement is so astounding, as one player appears to have finished all of FromSoftware's Souls-like games to a Platinum level (100% completion).

Who Platinumed Every Soulslike Game?

Souls-like pro, "Red_Osc" took to Reddit to show off a screenshot of their incredible achievement, hitting the 100% mark on some of the hardest and greatest games in the genre. This includes Elden RingSekiroBloodborne, and all three games in the Souls series. In doing so, they achieved the near-impossible feat of earning PlayStation's Platinum trophy for each game. 

The screenshot also revealed that Red_Osc had managed to obtain every trophy available in each game. For example, for Elden Ring, they had managed to gain 3 gold, 14 silver, and 24 bronze trophies. Meanwhile, the rest of us are still struggling to make it past the first boss

Gamer 'Platinums' Every Single Souls Game: Fans React

It's no surprise that the post quickly gained attention on Reddit, as fans couldn't believe how Red_Osc managed to achieve such a mind-blowing feat. One Reddit-user who recognised how excruciating the process must have been, said: "There's a lot of pain behind this picture." After one fan claimed that Red_Osc must be "maidenless", they responded: "[My Girlfriend] said that I'm focusing a lot more in Elden Ring than on her. So, for the moment I'm not maidenless, but maybe I will in the future." 

As well as proudly displaying their Souls-like achievements, Red_Osc can also wear their Reddit prowess with pride as the post had received over 72.4k likes, as of writing. So, keep at it Souls fans. Soon you too could be making jaws drop on Reddit with your incredible Souls trophy haul.


Emma Hill
About the author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a Junior Journalist at GGRecon. She studied Film & English at University of Manchester, and also took part in an Introduction to Acting for Video Games course. She loves everything from Skyrim to Stardew Valley.
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