Faker 'Exhausted' From League of Legends Following Historic LCK Championship

Faker 'Exhausted' From League of Legends Following Historic LCK Championship

Written by 

Jack Marsh


19th Apr 2022 14:43

Some devoted League of Legends fans may have expected Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok to have petered off into a career in business and content following A two years absence that saw him sit out the World Championships in 2019 and 2020. However, the veteran is far from finished, as seen by his resurgence for T1 this split, albeit at a cost.

Now with his fingers in more pies than just a playing career, Faker has revealed that he's struggling to balance his priorities with T1 and is "exhausted" from playing League of Legends.

Faker Is Too Exhausted To Play LoL

Faker and T1 were recently crowned as champions of Korean LoL once again, after accomplishing the jaw-dropping feat of an undefeated season, finishing the LCK Spring Split with a 20-0 record.

However, as the preparations for the Mid-Seasonal Invitational - to be hosted in T1's native South Korea - begin to unfold, Faker has revealed he's "exhausted" from playing the game.

Talking in a private stream on the Korean live stream platform Douyu, Faker opened up about not being able to focus on playing League of Legends because of the obligations he has to fulfil for his organisation amid MSI, streaming schedules, and the upcoming Asian Games.

The 25-year-old said: "Schedules are really rough, and stream schedules are really bad. I can't stream in the best condition, and I feel sorry for fans. This almost feels like an all-time low," according to a translation on Twitter.

"This week has been exhausting, it's really hard to concentrate on playing League of Legends," he continued.


T1 Cancel Streams For Players Amid Exhausting Schedules

After reigning across Korea with their flawless run, T1 has now rewarded their players with some slight time off, after more players expressed their concerns. 

Faker's teammate Ryu "Keria" Min-seok also voiced his opinion on the over-saturated schedule, saying, "to play games in this condition is hard. I think that if you are able to play well with this condition it's honestly weird," on-stream.

With the comments from Faker and Keria causing reason for concern, T1 announced that the players will be taking a small break from streaming, although preparations for MSI 2022 are continuing.

CEO Joe Marsh also said that the entire roster is working hard to qualify for the Asian Games as a unit. Marsh added that they are all receiving good dinners and sports massages to stay healthy, adding, "They are in great spirits, and I’m glad they are doing this process together as one."

Faker's career has now spanned nine years, and despite being at an "all-time low," his on-field performances have replicated those of his "peak." With attractive offers from China though, maybe T1's rigid schedules may need relaxing before he cashes in for the comforts of retirement.


Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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