Dentist Will Clean Your Teeth For Free If You Can Beat Him In Smash

Dentist Will Clean Your Teeth For Free If You Can Beat Him In Smash
Pixabay | Nintendo

Written by 

Emma Hill


2nd Sep 2021 12:51

Dr. Tej A. Shah of Zen Family Dental in Ashland, Massachusetts, has offered patients a free dental clean. There's a catch though, it's only if they have the supreme gaming skills to beat him in a game of Super Smash Bros: Ultimate

What Are The Rules Of The Challenge?

Posting the challenge on the dental practice's YouTube and Twitter pages, Shah dared viewers to go against him in a friendly one-on-one. However, if they lose: "You have to tell the world that you lost to a dentist". 

Shah, also, shared the news through his Reddit account, in which he clarified the rules of the contest. For example, players will need to be a registered patient with the practice. Furthermore, each patient only has one chance to take the challenge, and if they're one of the unlucky ones, they have to post about their defeat on social media. 

Who Is Dr. Shah? 

According to the Zen Family Dental website, Shah boasts an impressive working background. As well as a degree in Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction, he previously worked as a software engineer with Lockheed Martin, making video games to help train US marines. He then made a career U-turn after gaining his degree in dentistry in 2015. 

What's also impressive is the incredible layout of the practice itself. Dr. Shah claims to use entertainment to provide patients with: "The most pleasant dental experience they’ve ever had". For instance, patients would be able to listen to music, watch a movie, or play video games on a TV up on the ceiling whilst lying down in the dentist's chair.

Although clearly a huge fan of a wide variety of games, Shah says his favourite is the Final Fantasy series. 

What Are My Chances Of Winning The Challenge? 

As Shah is "obsessed" with video games, it could take a Smash Bros. champion to win against Dr. Shah. However, it's not impossible. One fortunate patient won a $250 Amazon gift card along with lots of other prizes when the practice held a similar tournament back in August. 

In the fifth and latest instalment in the Super Smash Bros. series, Ultimate players have the choice of over 80 brilliant fighters to choose from. Whether you decide to play as a classic Mario, Sephiroth, or Minecraft's Steve is entirely up to you. 

In the meantime, if you're feeling up to the challenge and fancy a free dental clean after an epic battle of Super Smash, get yourself over to Zen Family Dental. 


Emma Hill
About the author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a Junior Journalist at GGRecon. She studied Film & English at University of Manchester, and also took part in an Introduction to Acting for Video Games course. She loves everything from Skyrim to Stardew Valley.
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